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AMA Licensing Fee FAQs

Fusion Web Clinic


Q: Why haven’t I been charged for AMA CPT codes on previous billing statements 

A: The AMA has increased the enforcement of its copyrightAll practice management and EHR organizations are now legally required to annually collect licensing fees for Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes on behalf of the AMA. 


Q: I have users who are assistants and we do not actually bill under their name, will I still have to pay the AMA fee for them. Or, if I do not bill through Fusion, will I still be charged this fee every year?

A: In Fusion, the appointments generate documentation which is where the codes are used.  This is why even users or clinics who are not billing will still be assessed for this AMA fee.


Q: Will I be charged sales tax for the AMA CPT codes licensing fee? 

A: Applicable taxes will not be charged on this billing cycle but may be charged in the future. 


Q: Can I pay the AMA directly?  

A: No, the AMA will charge all practice management and EHR organizations for the use of its CPT codes. For this reason, we are legally required to collect the fees on behalf of the AMA.  


Q: How are providers who have used CPT codes being identified? 

A: Any provider on an attended appointment will be considered eligible for the 2021 AMA licensing fee.


Q: I use other billing tools in addition to AMA CPT codes. Do I only need to pay this fee once per year, per provider or will I need to pay for each billing tool I use?  

You will be charged a total cost of $18 per provider for the 2021 calendar year. This total includes the $17 AMA CPT code licensing fee and a $1 processing fee. Applicable taxes will not be charged on this billing cycle but may be charged in the future. 

We are unaware of how other billing software and solutions will accommodate annual AMA licensing fees. 


Q: How much do you profit from these fees? 

A: We do not profit from AMA licensing feesThe cost per qualified provider is for the usage of the AMA CPT codes.  

The total cost per qualified provider is $18 for the 2021 calendar year – this includes the $17 AMA CPT code licensing fee and a $1 processing fee. 


Q: Will the fee increase next year? 

A: Therapy Brands and its subsidiaries will communicate any future CPT code fee increases made by the AMA at least 60 days in advance.